THIS WEEKEND: Join the San Anselmo Beautification Committee and other fantastic local volunteers on Saturday, April 22nd as we Clean Up downtown San Anselmo. Not that it’s a dump or anything, but there’s always something to help make our community shine. Bring your gloves and favorite yard tool to help with basic debris removal, weeding and sweeping of parks, sidewalks and streets from Ross Avenue to Ross Valley Fire Station 19.
Come join the crew as we buff downtown to a high gloss This Saturday. Free Coffee and donuts provided at 10AM at the Pine Street Parking lot (next to Toss, across from Wells Fargo and the ghost-space of Bank of America). Meet committee chair and town evangelist Nancy Altman for your area assignment and snacks. Like SEAL TEAM 3 Task Unit Bruiser, we’ll clean the streets and end up at Creekside for a complimentary lunch and mission debrief for all volunteers. Enjoy a well earned beverage, enjoy pizza and salad for your efforts this Saturday April 22nd starting at 10AM.
Thank you for supporting local events and our community here in the Heart of Marin.